Origins Once upon a time, in a village by a river, lived a poor farmer named Toba. Toba worked hard on his fields, but his harvests were always insufficient. One day, while fishing in the river, Toba caught a very large and extraordinary fish. After eating the fish, Toba found himself becoming very wealthy.
Love and Mistake Toba eventually met a beautiful woman who turned out to be the daughter of a deity. They married and had a son. However, they had one crucial rule: Toba was forbidden to reveal his wife's divine origins to anyone.
Unfortunately, Toba could not keep the secret and one day told their son about his mother's origins. When his wife discovered that her secret had been revealed, she became very angry and decided to leave Toba and their child.
Transformation When Toba’s wife left them, she and their child transformed into fish and jumped into the vast lake. The lake eventually became the Lake Toba we know today. The island in the middle of the lake is believed to be Samosir Island, where Toba's wife and child, now fish, are said to have lived.
The Moral of the Legend This legend illustrates the importance of keeping secrets and trust in relationships, and it shows how transformation and wonder can occur through the power of nature and myth.
Lake Toba is not only known for its stunning natural beauty but also for its rich stories and myths that add to the allure of the place.
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